Spruce Class February Update

Hi Spruce Families!

We hope you all were able to stay safe and warm during the snow.  February sure has gone by so fast!  The Spruce class was very busy this past month.  We are just finishing up our study about peacemakers, where we talked about peacemakers from each continent, including Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr, Adolfo Perez Esquivel, Maria Montessori, Wangari Maathai, Greta Thunberg, and Wes Marne.  We told the children stories about these people when they were young.  We talked about how we are all peacemakers wherever we go and we share peace in many different ways.  We discussed how peace comes from love and deep within your heart, which nicely went into Valentine’s Day and the children really loved practicing our Valentine’s Day songs and sharing their cards with everyone.  Thank you for the sweet valentines!

The children have been so excited looking for and finding ice in different forms on the playground!  We have even been starting to try to make our own ice by leaving buckets of water outside and checking the next day if it froze.  We don’t know about you all, but we are very ready for spring and the warmer weather!  As we enter into March, the Spruce class will be studying flowers, bugs, bees, and more! We will learn about parts of these creatures, their life cycles, how they affect our environment, and if or where we can find these flowers and bugs locally!

Welcome back from midwinter break!

Cydnie and Lydia

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