Salal Class May Update

Dear Salal Families,

“Big Feelings” is the curriculum topic today. We are all transitioning. Transitions and goodbyes are awkward and it takes practice to move through them gracefully. We have had an amazing year together and it is sad to see it come to an end. Everyone has grown and matured since we started together as a community. We are all happy and sad as we begin to close this year up. How do we end a year: deep cleaning, removing “tired” materials from the shelves, creating art, imaginary play, singing, reading stories, and playing games. We are also using our words to express ourselves, laughing, and including and helping our friends. Kindergarteners are moving on, yet “once a Country School Kid – always a Country School Kid.” Former students of mine are always welcome to come back for a visit.

We are also working on a paper mache Hammerhead shark. Although I want to keep it intact, students are requesting we use it as a pinata. They are discussing what they want inside: “It’s okay if it’s not candy. We like small toys too.” I’m not sure how this is going to end. Our marine studies include bi-valve (clam) matching, and sharks. Ellie and I hope you all spend lots of time this summer enjoying beaches of Puget Sound. There are so many cool invertebrates and children love to learn the proper names of all the plants and animals.

What do you have planned for your summer? “Boredom” is a wonderful gift. I look forward to watching each summer day unfold without the structure of school. A picnic at a park and a stop to the post office can be called a “field trip!” As you know, children like to be involved in our lives. Montessori students know how to water houseplants, sweep, arrange flowers in vases, wash dishes, serve food for themselves, wash windows, feed pets, dust, dry up spills, use a dust pan, put their toys away, serve themselves food and more. My daughter has cleaned our bathroom since she was 5. She loved to clean the sink. (Although, now at 23 she has lost some skills…). Looking beyond your immediate family is a wonderful opportunity also. Visiting a friend who is injured, an elder, or sick. Picking up trash. Making and delivering food (cookies count). OH and model relaxing! Show your children how to fluff up a pillow, grab a book, and sink into this “teachable moment.” Children have energy and families are busy. They need to learn that there is an ebb and flow to life. It’s not always go go go. Screens are not good for children’s brains and they are not going anywhere… I will work hard this summer to stay away from my phone (and everything on it) as much as possible. Connecting with people is much more interesting anyway.

Have a great end of the school year. Have a great summer. Thank you for an epic school year. Ellie and I are going to miss you and we look forward to running into you around town and on the beach.

Cheryl and Ellie

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