Maple Class May Update

Dear Maple Families,

We made it to June! It always feels so far away when looking ahead from September, but somehow we always grow and change and speed through the year together. This is that time of the year where we all take a deep breath and marvel at all we’ve done and all that we wish we had more time to do. Just a few more days together for all of those hopes and wishes until next September, when we start again!

May brought us our exciting field trip to the Mariners Game. Walking through the city together is almost enough adventure on its own, but getting to take in a big event like that together is such a great change of pace for everyone. We also enjoyed helping Bainbridge Island Land Trust work towards eradicating invasive plants on one of their newest land trust properties. Seeing the enthusiasm with which the children attacked Scotch Broom was tremendously inspiring! We put that energy to good use during Teacher Appreciation Week (THANK YOU!), as well as during two work parties hosted by two of our sixth years this month.

Naturally, our Art & Music night was a big theme of our month as well. The children worked long and hard towards making their puppet show, rehearsing their musical performance, and putting the final touches on their art displays. It came together so beautifully – what a gift to see them all come together and put on such a sweet show!

Outdoor Education was a hugely successful excursion for our third years, and the second and first years enjoyed the sweet, quiet experience of a classroom without them while that happened. The third years also expertly hosted visiting Kindergarten students and spent time as the visitors in Madrona, too. The second years finished up their work as Elementary Buddies, and the first years are eagerly looking ahead to all the possibilities for them in the years to come. Our class is such a beautiful, thriving community. While I know we all will enjoy the change of pace that summer gives, I know we will miss our community too.

Fortunately, we have so many good events coming our way in these last few days together! We will have just finished Portfolio Review with you, but then we will finish our last projects and put the classroom to bed with our Super Care day. We will all play hard during Field Day. Sweetest of all, we will enjoy our Moving Up Ceremony and mark that significant passage to what’s next.

As always, thank you for sharing your lovely children with us!
Joelle and Cley

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