Cedar Class September Update

Hello Cedar Families!

I am happy to report that with the first month behind us, we are settling into some comforting and familiar rhythms in the Cedar Class.  Our new students are arriving each day demonstrating self confidence and independence, finding their cubbies and shoes, washing their hands and striking out to find work on their own. Our resident fish, snails and shrimp continue to prove a lovely addition to the classroom as well, with a new child each day relishing the job of feeding the fish.  This brief moment always draws a small crowd!

The snack set up has also become a relished activity by some of our younger students, with Teacher Katie guiding them through careful delivery and counting procedures to ensure that there is food enough for everyone.  She also has a happy rotating group of students who greatly enjoy assisting her with emptying the dishwasher and folding our daily laundry pile.  These daily rituals bring a sweet and familiar feel to each morning that has helped all of us find our stride.

Our bell is rung by a different student each day when it is time to gather at the circle, and the feel of community grows stronger as we stand back and watch the children lend a hand at cleaning up or remind their classmates that it is “circle time!”  We continue to have lessons on grace and courtesy, working through feelings with peaceful bodies, caring for the living things around us (including plants, snails, fish–and humans, of course), and practicing observing others working without interrupting and learning to be good listeners.  We held several birthday celebrations early in September for our August and September birthdays, giving all of the children early lessons on our Earth’s orbit around the sun, the seasons and the months of the year, in addition to celebrating birthdays in the company of the birthday child’s family members who attended. Our happy birthday celebrations this month honored Sonya (August 7th), Lincoln (September 5th) and Isa (September 11th). 

Thank you again to all of our Cedar families for your generous and thoughtful birthday wishes to Katie and me as well.  Our classroom is awash in color from all of the beautiful flowers and cards!  And a shout out to Loren (Isa’s mother) for her beautiful banner that we all enjoyed during the first weeks of school.  

In other news, we are all delighted to have music Teacher Katie back each Tuesday with her guitar and joyful songs to fill the room and bring everyone’s voices together.  Today I watched with wonder as every child sat with delight as Katie led them in song with colorful scarves dancing about their heads.

The playground time is also a happy and busy place with exploration and physical testing where social skills and confidence continue to grow.  

Our Kinders are in full swing with their afternoon work cycle. Monday through Wednesday, we join the other classroom cohorts for Writer’s workshop. We mix-up the classes on Thursdays for Art and Music specialists, and then have our all-Kinder adventure day on Fridays for Outdoor Education.  With the three classes together for a time every afternoon, the children are growing their social skills and building friendships with each other and connecting in wonderful ways with all of the Primary Guides.

Each day is an adventure in Cedar and I am so very grateful to have Katie at my side, with her humor and insight, as we watch your children test, challenge and grow in so many ways!

Please know that we are here for you.  If you ever have any questions or concerns, please reach out to me directly, by phone or email.  No question or concern is too small. Truly.

Happy Autumn!


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