Cedar Class May Update

Dear Cedar Parents,

Where did May go?

Our studies this month included cars and things with wheels, with a busy time on the patio turning all of those little boxes into trucks, cars, and a small city with roads–even a duck pond!

We dug through the continent boxes and made flags, learned a bit about the Salish Sea, and spent time bringing in some creatures big and small for brief visits.  First we had a slug visit, then a morning with a tree frog that Colby found on the patio, and finally a morning with my dog, Gus.  All of these living beings excited the children in different ways, and provided a jumping off point to discuss the importance of habitat, respect for all living beings big and small, and how  our daily actions impact the lives of other living organisms.  These visitors provided built-in language lessons as well, as we discussed the different adaptations these diverse animals have to move, eat, hide, and thrive.

When we were done watching the local inhabitants for a bit in the classroom, we were careful to go as a class and return them to their natural habitat–returning them to the very place we found them.  (Gus needed a really long nap at home!) These lessons reminded me that our playground, the park, and trails are truly the most treasured and important “works” at MCS.  Zoology, botany, physics, balance, risk-taking, collaboration, creative problem solving, and care of the environment are all available outside.  Bake shops have been busy cranking out mud pies, construction crews have been working tirelessly to move giant logs and navigate around pedestrians, the monkey bars have been swarming with children testing their strength as the local raccoons scamper up and down the trees, playing peek-a-boo with giggling children.  Most importantly, time outside reminds the children (and us adults) how much beauty and wonder is all around us, and how we can step outside to feel peace and connection, witness the circle of life before us and know that we are all a part of something much, much bigger.

As the year winds down, I am reflecting on so many treasured moments with your children–the tea parties, the baking projects, the Mystery Readers and guest musicians, the songs, the deepening friendships among the children, the afternoons in Writer’s Workshop, the giggles over Shel Silverstein poems, and the hugs. So many hugs.

Thank you to all of you, and dear Kate, for supporting, inspiring, and partnering with me on this beautiful journey in the Cedar classroom.  I could not have asked for a better teaching partner or a more wonderful bunch of little children.

In gratitude,

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