Cedar Class March Update

Dear Families,

They say March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb?  Well, we are still full of energy in the Cedar classroom, more like happy frogs than quiet little lambs!  Thankfully, the days are warming up, beckoning us for longer periods outdoors, but we still do need those rain coats and boots handy. Please be sure your child is prepared for all kinds of weather!

We filled our days this month with studies of frogs, daffodils, and peas.  We tried our hands at vegetable and fruit printing, made paper flowers “bloom” in water, and created cherry blossom trees with tissue paper and glue.  We joyfully watched our crocus, daffodils, and hyacinths bloom in our garden, and then were reminded this week that deer like to eat certain flowers.  Our local deer made off with the heads of our tulips, so we launched into a spontaneous conversation about the herbivores and carnivores that reside with us at MCS.  

Early in March we enjoyed a lovely Friday afternoon at Battlepoint Park with former Spruce teacher, Pearl Kerber and her husband, Liam, visiting from Boston.  After a lively game of kickball, we had snack and pulled each other around on a plastic toboggan provided by the Salal class.  

The Kinders were also busy this month putting together their first ever newspaper, “The Cedar and Salal Stories”.  The children worked very hard writing short stories, creating mazes, cartoons  and coloring works for the paper.  They also interviewed Teacher Elizabeth for the paper, and learned about how Teacher Cheryl earned money long ago delivering papers on her own paper route via bicycle!  We made deliveries around campus and sent copies home with the Kinders.  A few copies are also on the shelves in the classroom for the children to enjoy.

Our month wrapped up with birthday celebrations for Max, now 5, and Mayes, now 4! Happy Birthday, friends!  We also tried our hands at different weaving techniques, including making  “Bird’s Eyes” using popsicle sticks and yarn, and weaving with yarn on cardboard “looms” (the introductory classes were provided by students from the Maple class).

I expect April will be a full month of learning and growing together.  Studies of bees and other pollinators will be our focus, along with more gardening and cooking projects.  

Lastly, we talked about music teacher Katie’s need to be away this spring.  We will continue singing songs and making music in Cedar as we have done with Katie all year, and I will deliver the giant handmade card to her over break which the children made with great care and love.

Thank you for your support and love!

Mary and Kate

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