Cedar Class January Update

Dear Cedar Families,

As I culled through dozens of photos tonight, looking for images of your amazing children to share for this write up, one word kept popping up–friendship.

The photos give a glimpse of some of the work we have been busy doing in the class this past month,  but more importantly show the amazing friendships that have grown and the community we have built together.

We spent a fair amount of time in January talking about healthy communication, change, and kindness with each other. Amidst a study of Antarctica’s penguins, we also returned to weekly talks about good listening, how to share our feelings, and how to make new friends.

As our youngest students returned after the break, they took ownership caring for the classroom– washing the chalkboard, setting out snack, washing dishes,  folding clothes, and washing windows.  Their confidence grew choosing works on their own along with a strong desire to learn from the older children, growing more comfortable joining the older children for snack or to build cities out of the blocks, cylinders, and red rods.

The second and third year students were  busy all month constructing cities out of Kapla blocks and diving deeper into the Sensorial works,  math, and handwriting.  They made books on volcanoes, penguins, and the metal insets.  They demonstrated leadership in modeling for the younger children how to navigate the classroom and have fun! They  also stepped up with enthusiasm giving lessons to the younger children on the erupting volcano work, shaving cream printmaking, and the Montessori bells.

Our Kinders stayed busy in Writer’s Workshop with the Salal children and the talented Teacher Cheryl learning about the senses, and are busy preparing their life-size portraits to share with their families soon.  Our collaborative afternoons team teaching have been a gift to the children and helped build connection among the kinders at MCS, along with Specialists and Outdoor Ed.  Sight Word games, works on consonant blends, and the Montessori chains have filled our afternoons, along with read alouds, handwriting practice, and trips to the school library. Last Friday, we had our first campfire at Battlepoint Park, complete with marshmallow toasting–and eating.

The new toaster gifted to the class by former Teacher Shirley has been a hit, only topped by our “tea for two” and of course, the observation visits from all of you parents!  Thank you to our January Mystery Readers Ben, Zoe, Justin, and Catherine!

Teacher Kim and Theresa (Sawyer’s mom) are coming in weekly to help give Sandpaper Letter lessons—many thanks to them both!

I will conclude by sharing that Teacher Katie continues to bring her endearing wonder and humor, creativity and support to work every day, helping me bumble through my first full year as Lead Guide in Cedar.  To her, I am extremely grateful.

Thank you to you all for your grace, support, and insight.


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