Dear Cedar Families,
The snows of early February followed by mid-winter break means that my write up for this month is a record of our 11 days in class together! This very short month in Cedar was highlighted by the sharing of Valentines, cold germs, and ice on the playground. The frozen ground and bits of remaining snow provided us with wonderful hands-on experiences considering how much water is in fact stored in the ground, and how freezing temperatures turn the water to ice. We talked about how water expands when it freezes and marveled together at the ice crystals popping up like blades of fuzzy grass around the playground.
We wrapped up our Peacekeepers study in February with a look at the life of Jane Goodall, Maria Montessori, and Perez Esquival. Our main focus circled back around to conversations about inner peace, fostering peace, and conflict resolution. We also talked about the importance of listening to try to understand another’s opinion or idea, even if we don’t agree. Together we can make peace.
I look forward to the coming of spring and watching the buds and shoots arrive along with the warmer days. In the coming weeks, we will move into studies of spring, including pond habitats and the life cycles of some of the animals found on local farms. We will talk about how to be a steward of the Earth, and how our activities and actions can help protect the life of important habitats. We will also dive into works with tools, including hands on work sanding, nailing, and clamp use.
As always, please feel free to reach out to me anytime with questions or concerns–and do not delay. If you have an issue or need, the sooner I know the sooner we can work towards a solution together.
Thank you!
Mary and Katie
P.S. Please send your child to school with rain coats/hats and water proof shoes or boots, if possible. Umbrellas are also okay–we open them once on the playground.