Dear Cedar Friends,
We are settled back into a nice rhythm in the Cedar class after our long break. The sunny skies and clear air have been a blessing, and made for lovely exploration and adventures among the ferns and in the sandbox during outdoor time. The “kitchen” outside is buzzing with activity, with many lovely “cakes and pies” being served around the playground. Delivery service is also up and running some days, via wheelbarrow or red wagon.
Though sunny, the days are cold, so please send your children to school with a warm hat and mittens or gloves. We have some spare pairs in case of emergency, but not enough for all. In case of an actual emergency, it would be best if all children are well equipped for extended time outside. Thank you!
We are studying peace this month and into next, including peace within ourselves, in our classroom, and in the bigger world. We are having conversations about how peace sounds, looks, smells, and feels. We have discussed ways to find peace within through yoga, by making space for others at circle time, how to invite others to play, and what mindful breathing feels like. You may ask your child if they can “fill up their tummy with air like a balloon”, or watch their thoughts drift by like a cloud. We also are talking about peaceful ways to resolve conflict.
We are also studying peacekeepers around the world, touching on one or two from each continent. So far our studies have included the lives of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, Mahatma Gandhi and Wangari Maathai. We will also be studying a bit about Adolfo Perez Esquivel, Jane Goodall, Greta Thunberg, and Maria Montessori.
In January we celebrated the birthdays of Raf (5) and Leo (3) with their parents. Happy Birthday! Thank you to our Mystery Readers this month, Beth (Logan), Ben (Raf) and Tyler (Audrey). The children love these stories the best.
Dorothy stopped in to read a sweet story about Lunar New Year, and showed the children how to make their own paper snake for this year of the Snake. It’s all about “shedding toxicity in personality, in character traits,” said Jonathan H. X. Lee, an Asian and Asian American studies professor at San Francisco State University whose research focuses in part on Chinese folklore. “It’s shedding the ego, letting go of the past, letting go of anger, letting go of love lost,” Lee said. “This is the year where that kind of growth — personal and macro, internal and external — is very much possible.” Lee said that the snake is an auspicious sign for inner work, whether it’s releasing unrealistic expectations of loved ones or getting rid of bad habits.
May you be well, loved and peaceful. Thank you for your support and trust.
Mary and Katie